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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Collective Nouns For Animals | Collective Nouns list | exam tech

 Collective Nouns For Animals

what do you call a group of hippos?

  1. knab/knot of toads
  2. hover of trout
  3. dule/raffle/rafter of turkeys
  4. bale/turn of turtles
  5. herd/nest/pledge of wasps
  6. bunch/knob of waterfowl
  7. colony/school/herd/pod/gam of whales
  8. company/trip of wigeon
  9. sounder of wild boar
  10. dout/destruction of wild cats
  11. team of wild ducks (in flight)
  12. bunch/trip/plump/knob of wildfowl
  13. pack/rout of wolves
  14. covey/fall/flight/plump of woodcock
  15. descent of woodpeckers
  16. herd of wrens
  17. zeal of zebras
  18. shrewdness of apes
  19. army/column/state/swarm of ants
  20. herd/pace of asses
  21. troop of baboons
  22. cete/colony of badgers
  23. sloth of bears
  24. cluster/swarm/drift/hive/erst of bees
  25. flock/flight/pod of birds
  26. chatter of budgerigars
  27. herd/gang/obstinancy of buffalo
  28. bellowing of bullfinches
  29. drove of bullocks
  30. caravan/flock of camels
  31. army of caterpillars
  32. chowder/clowder/cluster/glaring of cats
  33. herd/drove of cattle
  34. brood/clutch/peep of chickens
  35. chattering of choughs
  36. rag/rake of colts
  37. covert of coots
  38. herd of cranes
  39. bask of crocodiles
  40. clan/hover/murder of crows
  41. litter of cubs
  42. herd of curlew
  43. herd/mob of deer
  44. cowardice/pack/kennel of dogs
  45. pod/school of dolphins
  46. trip of dotterel
  47. flight/dole/piteousness/prettying of doves
  48. paddling of ducks (on water)
  49. safe of ducks (on land)
  50. fling of dunlins
  51. convocation of eagles
  52. swarm of eels
  53. herd/parade of elephants
  54. herd/gang of elk
  55. cast of falcons
  56. busyness/cast/fesynes of ferrets
  57. charm of finches
  58. shoal/run of fish
  59. flurry/regiment/skein of flamingoes
  60. business/cloud/scraw/swarm of flies
  61. earth/lead/skulk of foxes
  62. gaggle of geese (on land)
  63. skein/team/wedge of geese (in flight)
  64. corps/herd/troop/kalaedescope of giraffes
  65. cloud of gnats
  66. flock/herd/trip of goats
  67. charm/chattering/chirp/drum of goldfinch
  68. troubling of goldfish
  69. band of gorillas
  70. cloud of grasshoppers
  71. brace/leash/pack of greyhounds
  72. brood/pack/covey of grouse
  73. down/drove/husk/lie/trip/mute/husk of hares
  74. cast of hawks
  75. array of hedgehogs
  76. scattering/sedge/siege of herons
  77. army/gleam/shoal of herring
  78. bloat/pod of hippos
  79. drove/string/stud/team of horses
  80. pack/cry/kennel of hounds
  81. crowd of ibis
  82. flight/swarm of insects
  83. brood/fluther/smuck of jellyfish
  84. herd/mob/troop of kangaroos
  85. kindle/litter of kittens
  86. deceit/desert of lapwings
  87. bevy/exaltation of larks
  88. leap/lepe of leopards
  89. flock/pride/sawt/souse/troop of lions
  90. tiding/tittering of magpies
  91. sord/suit of mallard
  92. stud of mares
  93. richesse of martens
  94. nest of mice
  95. company/labour/movement/mumble of moles
  96. troop of monkeys
  97. cartload/pack/span/barren of mules
  98. match/puddling/watch of nightingales
  99. flock of ostrich
  100. bevy/family of otters
  101. parliament/stare of owls
  102. yoke of oxen
  103. pandemonium of parrots
  104. covey of partridges
  105. muster of peacocks
  106. muster/parcel/rookery of penguins
  107. brook/bevy/head/ostentation/pride/nye of pheasants
  108. kit of pigeons (in flight)
  109. farrow of piglets
  110. litter/herd of pigs
  111. congregation/flight/stand/wing of plovers
  112. rush/flight of pochards
  113. pod/school/herd/turmoil of porpoises
  114. covey of ptarmigan
  115. litter of pups
  116. bevy/covey/drift of quail
  117. bury/colony/nest/warren of rabbits
  118. nursery of raccoons
  119. string of racehorses
  120. colony of rats
  121. unkindness of ravens
  122. crash of rhinoceros
  123. bevy of roe deer
  124. parliament/building/clamour/rookery of rooks
  125. hill of ruffs
  126. family of sardines
  127. pod/harem/herd/rookery of seals
  128. flock/herd/trip/mob of sheep
  129. dopping of sheldrake
  130. den/pit/nest of snakes
  131. walk/wisp/whisper/wish of snipe
  132. host/surration/quarrel of sparrows
  133. cluster/clutter of spiders
  134. drey of squirrels
  135. chattering/crowd/murmation of starlings
  136. flight of swallows
  137. bank/bevy/game/herd/squadron, teeme/wedge/whiteness of swans (on land)
  138. drift/herd/sounder of swine
  139. spring of teal
  140. mutation of thrush
  141. ambush of tigers

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